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We bridge distances with sustainable and innovative solutions in infrastructure, transport, and mobility through comprehensive engineering projects. Our technology and design are integral to many urban and high-speed rail transport systems, as well as Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), airports, ports, hydraulic engineering, and architectural projects worldwide.

We have contributed to the development of large infrastructures in countries such as Australia, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Chile, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, Spain, the United States, Mexico, Portugal and the United Kingdom.
110 +
urban transport systems on 5 continents
35,000 + km
of rail and roadways
1,200 +
port, airport, hydraulic and architectural infrastructures



RESPIRA®: intelligent HVAC management system

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Our history, together with the experience of our professionals, has equipped us with in-depth technical and sector knowledge. We provide our clients with high value-added consulting services aimed at achieving their goals through collaborative work and the proposed practical solutions. We cover both the different modes of transport and mobility in a broader sense, logistics, cities and territory, as well as the water, health, sports, real estate, culture and leisure, shopping centers, banking, IT, software and communications sectors.

Guadalajara Metro Line 3 (Mexico)

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We are leaders in urban transport engineering. With more than 30 years’ experience, our work is key to the mobility in more than 50 cities on five continents. Our experts cover all the technical areas involved, allowing us to carry out comprehensive engineering projects that address the most technically demanding challenges in new subway and light rail lines, monorails and Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) systems.

International High Speed Line: Figueras – Perpignan (Spain – France)

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At SENER Mobility, we have worked on more than 15,000 km of railway lines, many of which are high-speed. This makes us one of the leading groups in the design, planning and management of rail transport projects. We also apply the experience and technical knowledge of our teams to engineering services for freight, regional, intercity and commuter rail transportation.

Cebu-Cordova Link Expressway road (Philippines)

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We participate in the articulation of land transport also by road, an element of vital importance for the economic and social development of countries. We have already worked on more than 8,000 km of studies and on multiple roads and highways around the world, in which we tackle important technical challenges, paying special attention to the integration of projects with their environment. Our experience includes the design, analysis and supervision of the construction of bridges, tunnels and connections, as well as the use of new technologies to innovate in the development of smart infrastructures.

San Roque Equipment Center

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Our multidisciplinary teams of architects that specialize in different areas such as urban planning, landscaping and transportation carry out internationally-recognized quality architecture projects that are adapted to new needs, integrated, sustainable and with a large technological and social component. There are already more than 400 international projects that we have developed on our own or in collaboration with renowned architects.

Detailed engineering to expand the airfield at the Dublin International Airport (Ireland)

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Aprovechamos nuestro carácter versátil para innovar en la ingeniería aeroportuaria donde se dan cita múltiples disciplinas. Hemos abordado con éxito proyectos de gran complejidad técnica y operacional en más de 150 aeropuertos y en sus instalaciones asociadas dentro y fuera de España. En SENER utilizamos la experiencia contrastada de nuestros equipos en proyectos que requieren la planificación aeroportuaria inicial, así como el estudio y diseño de campos de vuelo, áreas terminales de pasajeros y carga, edificios de control de tráfico aéreo o hangares, entre otras infraestructuras.

AIRIS Synchro at the Port of Seville

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We are one of the leading engineering companies in the global port market. Our history spans more than 500 different port projects, in more than 140 ports in 40 countries. We cover all areas of engineering and consulting (from planning to design and construction oversight), in addition to carrying out comprehensive projects with a particularly high degree of technical complexity that encompass all the required areas such as maritime, civil, geotechnical, architecture and facilities and systems.

Preliminary draft for the expansion and remodeling of the Rubí waste water treatment plant

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With experience in more than 300 water and environmental projects carried out around the world, the SENER Mobility team offers consulting and hydraulic engineering services in every phase of the integrated water cycle. We undertake projects involving the essential uses of this resource in any industry, such as agriculture, hydroelectricity and human consumption, in addition to our notable work in activities such as flood prevention or the use of new technologies for smartwater systems.