High Gain Antenna Gimbal (HGAG) for the rover Perseverance of the Mars 2020 mission
At Sener we have been involved throughout the entire implementation of the Porto Light Rail.
As leader company of the European Economic Interest Grouping (EEIG) ENSITRANS, we have carried out for Metro do Porto, S.A., the management of the technical assistance during the entire network implementation. From preliminary and feasibility studies (1994) to the election of the system, including preliminary design and tender document elaboration, contractors proposal valuation and later negotiation with prequalifi ed companies, follow up and revision of detailed design, project management in tunnels construction, and fi nally during testing and commissioning, advising Metro do Porto in the process of certifying the system, services that have been carried out until the year 2012.
Addictionally, at Sener we have also participated (2006 to 2010) in the Operation & Maintenance Supervision of the entire network operated by the consortium Normetro, which is incorporated by French operator Transdev. We have also worked for Metro de Oporto, through its branch in Lisbon, providing Technical Assistance for the contruction of Stage 2.
The entire network which is currently under exploitation comprises 6 lines with a total lenght of 67 km and 71 stations (14 underground). The network covers seven of the nine municipalities in the Metropolitan Area of Porto, second largest city in Portugal and connected to the International Airport of Pedras Rubras.
The System has been designed so that its implementation constitutes an urban regeneration and improvement factor: Recognizing the quality of the project, in June 2008, UITP awarded this system with the Light Rail Award/2008 – Best New System, which honors creativity and design of the light rail systems around the world.
In 2018, at Sener we were awarded the contract for the extension of Porto Metro Network, performing the detailed design of the new line (Circular Line) in the section between Boavista/Casa da Música and Praça da Liberdade. It is an underground section of 2,8 km and 4 stations. The station located at Praça da Liberdade was a significant challenge as it is located very close to the UNESCO heritage site being the historical city centre.
Contact us to find out how we can help you with your projects.