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Engineering and technology by people, for people

With talent and innovation as our pillars

Do you want to contribute to shaping a more sustainable future? At Sener, talent and dedication come together to deliver solutions that create societal value and make a meaningful difference. By sharing expertise and addressing technologically sophisticated challenges, you can advance professionally, always providing a differential and innovative approach, within a diverse and global team.

Contributing to the energy transition and decarbonization, fostering sustainable infrastructure development, and enhancing scientific understanding through ESA or NASA space missions are among the initiatives you could engage with at Sener.
With offices in 19 countries on 5 continents, we export technology and innovation all over the world, having developed projects in the last 5 years in more than 70 countries.
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Let’s shape the future together

We are constantly in search of companies aiming to create a positive impact on humanity and the planet. Companies where we can find purpose in our professional endeavours and enhance the world we live in.

At Sener, for nearly 70 years, we have provided innovative and efficient solutions that help society progress, supported by the talent and enthusiasm of an exceptional team.

Will you join us?

Your next professional destination

Professional development

We offer the necessary resources for the continuous development of your technical, management, and organizational skills.

Youth Talent Program

Imagina un viaje transformador, donde cada paso te permita desarrollar un futuro profesional abierto a múltiples oportunidades y convertirte en arquitecto del cambio.

Equality, diversity and inclusion

Fomentamos la diversidad, fuente de riqueza y palanca de innovación, promovemos la igualdad de oportunidades y ofrecemos flexibilidad para conciliar la vida profesional con el tiempo requerido para disfrutar y vivir la faceta más personal.

Job openings

Ready for a career challenge? Join Sener and experience the thrill of working on cutting-edge projects.


Get to know the #SenerTeam

behind each project

Silvia Arrate, ACROT Services and Development Manager

At Sener, I have always felt challenged; I have never been held back, instead I have been given the freedom to reach my goals in the way I consider most appropriate. This independence has allowed me to work on an ongoing challenge in search of answers that have not yet been written, even after almost twenty-two years at the company.

Read the full interview