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Sener accredited as Independent Safety Assessor in Canada


Sener has been recently accredited as an Independent Safety Assessor (ISA) for Railway Systems under the ISA Accreditation Program from the Standards Council of Canada (SCC).

SCC, in collaboration with Metrolinx, offers a Canadian Independent Safety Assessor for Railway Systems Accreditation Program in line with global best practices in safety and system assurance. The program is based on a third-party independent inspection model where Independent Safety Assessors (ISAs), who are accredited to ISO/IEC 17020:2012 by SCC, undertake independent safety assessments of the risk evaluation process, the assessment process and application results to ensure all potential hazards are identified and mitigated.

As an accredited ISA, Sener will play a vital role not only in assuring that safety is integrated at each phase of the life cycle of a railway system, but also for ongoing changes once the railway network is in operation.

Sener is one of the first two firms to receive this new Canadian accreditation, and has also been involved in many projects in railway safety under the European Independent Safety Assessor Certification that it currently holds.

Some examples are The Confederation Line 2 and Trillium Line 2 in Ottawa, where Sener is participating as an Independent Safety Auditor, and the Valley Line West Extension where Sener performs independent verification and validation services (IV&V) on safety and security.

In Toronto, Sener is responsible for the safety management of the RER3 project for the civil contractor, the largest capital infrastructure project in the province’s historic GO Rail Expansion Program. And in Vancouver, Sener was recently contracted by Translink to deliver Safety Assurance Support Services to State of Good Repair (SoGR) and for the current pipeline expansion projects.

About the Standards Council of Canada’s Accreditation Services

Accreditation Services at the Standards Council of Canada fosters the correct and consistent application of national and international standards, thus building a foundation of trust so that standards can contribute to health, safety, prosperity and a sustainable future for all. SCC works with a vast network of partners nationally and around the world, acting as Canada’s voice on standards and accreditation on the international stage, including as a member of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). As the country’s leading accreditation organization, SCC creates market confidence at home and abroad by ensuring conformity assessment bodies meet the highest expectations. In all these ways, SCC opens a world of possibilities.


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