High Gain Antenna Gimbal (HGAG) for the rover Perseverance of the Mars 2020 mission
Business technologies for the future
We provide our clients with our knowledge and experience regarding the most advanced technologies with a view to creating new scenarios where design, management and operations will be more effective. A digital future for companies that want to change their businesses.
We see the digital transformation, not only as incorporating digital technologies into the current operations of companies, but as a set of actions that contribute to the transformation of their businesses.
The digital transformation adds value for our clients by the application of digital capabilities in processes, products and assets, increasing their efficiency and quality. It enables risks to be managed and new revenue-generating opportunities to be discovered.
We deploy solutions that are able to process large volumes of data, so as to transform it into insights that boost our clients’ business possibilities.
We offer a comprehensive Internet of Things (IoT) service that ranges from choosing the best devices to gather, to the usage of said data with added business value, through the process, transformation and storage of data.
At Sener, we implement digital twin solutions that enable the improvement of asset management in all phases of their life cycle, from design to operation and maintenance.
Our unique system modeling and integration methodology is supported by a BIM environment in order to create a unique data model. The different systems that affect the daily operation of assets such as ERP, GMAO, SCADA, BMS, IoT, HR software or CRM, are then integrated into said model. In addition, we introduce simulation and XR capabilities that allow us to interrogate information and speed up decision processes.
We set out the strategy and implement new processes, tools and systems that will allow our clients to work in a Building Information Modeling (BIM) environment. This work system is key when it comes to optimizing business productivity and staying competitive.
Implementing the BIM method in the production system is a huge challenge, and the professionals at Sener are an essential asset for this. They work with our clients to establish their own tailor-made strategy.
Our experience is proven: we are trailblazers in asset management using BIM throughout its life cycle. We have been working under this methodology for more than a decade, and our BIM Office has been implemented for some time as a transversal body throughout all of Sener’s business.
In January 2022, at Sener we were granted as the first Spanish company certified in UNE EN ISO 19650 by LRQA, the most important certification company worldwide. This certification confirms the commitment with the proper BIM implementation inside the organization and in all projects developed by Sener.
At Sener we provide BIM services as lead appointed party or appointed party, acting as a provider of information related to works, goods or services; and as a recipient of information related to works, goods or services by the appointing party.
We perform activities related to the functions of lead appointed party in works under BIM methodology for the execution of studies and projects in all phases of project life cycle, covering bids, design (conceptual, basic, detailed), construction, operation, maintenance and comprehensive management. Developing engineering technology disciplines such as civil, structures, architecture, mechanical, electrical, geotechnical, energy, systems, integration and construction management in the infrastructure and transport business areas such as roads, rail, ports, airports and hospitals.
Some of the services that we provide as lead appointed party are:
We gather and use information from different sources and connected devices to make sense of it and create value for the client.
At Sener, we are aware that artificial intelligence (AI) is not a goal in of itself, but rather a tool to respond to clients’ needs. Its potential goes beyond their own human capabilities because it allows them to securely process and analyze large and complex volumes of information and data. This is a purpose that useful in all kinds of professional fields and throughout an entire life cycle.
By using the latest innovations in this field, we designed the best solutions, products and services to be able to respond, for example, to the identification of patterns to anticipate failures and incidences in industrial systems or any asset.
Within system integration, we offer custom solutions depending on the needs of each company. The aim is to integrate business processes supported by sytems that offer ustraceable and quality unique data that can be exploited by different areas of business.
Descriptive analysis is the first step when it comes to defining successful strategies. It aims to take a snapshot of the situation to make decisions.
At Sener, we organize and use historical data, identifying behaviors through the definition of high valuable indicators. The result tells the reality of an asset or business to date, and allows us to visualize, detect, determine, calculate and identify challenges, deficiencies and opportunities in order to improve processes and results.
We offer predictive and prescriptive analytics services to analyze the starting data and the choice of variables that best characterize the models. We assist in choosing the appropriate algorithm and in the creation and deployment of the model. As a result, we provide predictive maintenance solutions, anticipate and analyze premature decreases in performance, predict the demand and prescribe the operation so as to be able to anticipate and improve control strategies, amongst others.
At Sener, we have extensive experience in the development of applications in the cloud. We create software solutions following the best practices in its implementation (architecture) to obtain the best results in terms of performance and functionality.
Our clients receive friendly advice on the best way to host their applications according to their functional, non-functional and information confidentiality requirements. We always design solutions that are fully portable across platforms, with the lowest maintenance cost when it comes to infrastructure and applications.
By designing the optimized application component structure (cloud architecture), we help our clients on the digitization journey to maximize success as they evolve towards using the cloud (journey to cloud).
At Sener, we value the security of the architecture and application designs in different fields like IoT or critical infrastructures. Our engineers have extensive experience in penetration tests for IoT, IoT industry, industrial infraestructures, building, mobile applications and REST APIes. As well as in the definition of architectures and applications to maximize their security level. We manage threats and vulnerabilities in the client’s environment and develop innovative services and solutions in the field of cybersecurity.
We offer technologically advanced solutions adapted to the real needs of each client.