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The Sener Group improves in conciliation in the Kontzilia community


Sener joins the Kontzilia community to improve in conciliation and co-responsibility.

La consejera de Igualdad, Justicia y Políticas Sociales del Gobierno Vasco, Nerea Melgosa, entrega el certificado a Iratxe Angulo, de Dirección de Personas de Sener.

On Thursday, March 23, Sener joined the Kontzilia community to advance in reconciling work and personal life. This accession took place during the celebration of the Day of Conciliation and Co-responsibility, in an event organized by the Kontzilia Community of the Basque Government. Iratxe Angulo, from the People Directorate of the Sener group, attended this event that took place at the headquarters of the Basque Government in Bilbao and with which the Basque Government wanted to give visibility to all the actions being carried out by Basque companies and institutions in this area. During the event, the Counselor of Equality, Justice and Social Policies of the Basque Government, Nerea Melgosa, presented the document of adhesion of new companies to the Kontzilia community, among which was Sener.

At the Sener group we are committed to the development and implementation of work-life balance and flexibility policies that facilitate the balance between the professional, personal and family spheres. In the same way, we implement procedures and work methodologies according to equal opportunities, diversity and inclusion, which means that we are certified as a Family-Responsible Entity (EFR), granted by the MásFamilia Foundation and recognized by the United Nations. Measures such as the S-Working teleworking system and flexible working hours are combined with other actions to promote well-being and work-life balance.

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