High Gain Antenna Gimbal (HGAG) for the rover Perseverance of the Mars 2020 mission
SEOSAT was a multispectral high resolution wide swath world coverage imager, designed for systematic acquisition of Spanish territory and minimum revisit time. It was expected to have nominal life of 7 years, having a Sun-synchronous orbit at about 670 km altitude, with orientation capability of +/- 35º from nadir.
Sener was prime responsible for the design, manufacturing, integration, alignment and verification of the Primary Payload of the mission.
The Primary Payload was a High Resolution Optical Instrument. It acquires images in two channels: a Pan-chromatic (black & white) with 2.5 m resolution, and a Multi spectral with four bands (blue, green, red & NIR) with 10 m resolution. It works in pushbroom mode, providing 55km swath, which covers for more than 2,5 million of square km per day.
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