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Flexible and efficient solutions


Cogeneration and combined cycle power plants are highly complex facilities that call for expert knowledge in several industrial and energy fields. Our teams are experts in the design of hybrid plants that allow the reduction of CO2 emissions, with greater energy efficiency.


Hydrogen and carriers

For years we have been working on hydrogen, a key resource for decarbonization. We develop disruptive ideas that drive the evolution of this industry, using cutting-edge technologies in all phases of a project, from design to start-up. Our experience in the safe treatment of H2 and other gases, combined with extensive knowledge of power generation, means we can continue working with you to make hydrogen a solution for the future.

Sustainable industry

Our mission is to innovate in order to advance towards a sustainable society and a sustainable business and industry. We are specialists in energy transition technologies,

Circular economy

We support the transformation of industrial models towards the circular economy paradigm, in which waste is reduced and the useful life of raw materials is extended.

Renewables and storage

At Sener, our journey in the renewable energy industry began in the 1980s with our first solar projects. This path has made us pioneers in cutting-edge technology development and contributors to more than thirty solar thermal plants worldwide,

Offshore wind

We have been offering wind and other marine energy solutions such as wave energy for years, as well as having the capacity to cover a wide range of services throughout the entire lifespan of a wind farm project.

Natural gas

As one of the industry’s leading turnkey contractors, we carry out everything from large regasification terminals and cryogenic storage tanks to developing the virtual pipeline concept.